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1  noun  ˈbläg, -ȧg   plural -s
2  intransitive verb   -ed/-ing/-s
: to talk pretentiously and usually inaccurately : lie boastfully
Writer's picturePhoole


Vacation? In this digital dystopia? Almost!

Phoole & the Gang is off the digital airwaves this week, Phooligans - I'm taking a break this week to recharge.

I tried to take this week completely off from the dayjob, to recover from hefty burnout. I really, really did - but Microsoft Azure cloud services got DDoS'd, and because an app instance I support relies on Azure, chaos struck, and I had to put in a couple of hours yesterday anyway.

I tried hard to just let my team handle it without me - until my boss and a head of another section started telling my direct report that they needed to bombard our app's vendor with angry tickets and phone calls, demanding service be restored. I had to step in at that point and stop the insanity.

It was possibly the most-literal occurrence of Old Man Yells At Cloud that I've ever personally experienced - except the men in the situation are all my age or younger, and I don't feel old.

Please enjoy a shuffle of past Phoole & the Gang shows in the meantime, and we'll be back next Friday!

Last week's show is a fiery assortment of lounge-core flavors! It goes great with every activity, and my rendition of 'Uncle Fweddy' in it is my personal favorite to date.

Re-love the show's audio in highest quality via your favorite podcast portal (, or seize it directly from the source at

Here is a speed-through preview of the tunes in Show Number 485, BIRTH OF THE PHOOLE!

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