Happy Phooletide, Phooligans! Here is a PHOOLETIDE 2024 ROUND-UP!

If you are new to the Phooliverse and its customs: WELCOME. Phooletide is our Christmas, unser Weihnachten, nuestra Navidad, meidän joulumme, il nostro Natale, vår jul, 私たちのクリスマス.
Our seasonal mascot is Santa Bacon. Learn all about Santa Bacon by visiting the Santa Bacon page of this very website at phoole.com/santabacon.
This year's Phooletide show happens Friday, 20 December, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. Central US time at slipmat.io/phoole, mixcloud.com/live/phoole and twitch.tv/phoole.
Phoole and the Gang has had a Phooletide show every year since 2014, so this year's Phooletide show is our tenth Phooletide special!
You can listen back to past Phooletide shows in highest quality on Hearthis.at below!
Mysteriously, the music-only version of Phooletide 2022 is one of the most-replayed audio archives in Phoole and the Gang history. To judge its jolly magic for yourself, or to savor it as accompaniment for your December holiday times, enjoy it below.
Many Phooliverse-favorite artists offer delights this time of year.
I already entreated you to stuff the new release of 'In the Bleak Midwinter' by The Young Punx in your hear-holes in a separate Blague post - do visit it now if you haven't!
Skeewiff have released MERRY WIFFMAS, an EP of three exceedingly-festive Wiffs! You are permitted to obtain it for whatever moneys you wish - but do support the Wiffery well, if you can!
Ashley Slater has a fascinating new album out of original Christmas tunes called MERRY JAZZMAS - every tune is available in a version sung by Ashley, and then a second version sung by a female vocalist!
Louis La Roche just posted a lovely spin on 'Wonderful Christmastime' on YouTube.
CAN’T BELIEVE I almost forgot to tell you - John B’s Christmas song this year is about DIE HARD, a Christmas movie!
Phooletide 2024 is our first Phooletide in a world that doesn't have Mitchell Kezin in it. Mitchell, who, sadly, died last January, made a documentary called JINGLE BELL ROCKS that made me cry tears of happiness in every viewing before this year, and even though those tears will now have grief in them too, it's essential Phooletide viewing - so many Phooletide carols were discovered via this film!
If you live in the US and have a public library card or a US university login for Kanopy, you can enjoy JINGLE BELL ROCKS here for free: https://www.kanopy.com/en/product/jingle-bell-rocks?vp=freelibrary&frontend=kui
One of the documentary's official trailers is below - spend some time with this documentary this Phooletide season!
Someday, if there ever isn't a plague, I want to have a Christmas special like the PEE-WEE'S PLAYHOUSE CHRISTMAS SPECIAL, the most Christmas and the most special special of all Christmas specials!
Paul Reubens died last July. His characters are immortal, though, and watching this special every Phooletide still fills my heart with the most potent glee imaginable. THERE IS NO MORE POWERFUL GLEE THAN THIS GLEE.
You can watch the ENTIRE SPECIAL in high-definition video right here, with its constellation of stunning guest stars, including KD Lang being completely deranged while wearing a skirt! Truly a phenomenon that must be beheld!
Tiffany and I love to watch NOELLE every year. Yes, it's Disney, yes, Disney is pure villainous evil, and at the same time, yes, it is a really sweet movie, with a lot of laughs, with Anna Kendrick, Bill Hader, and Shirley MacLaine, and a lot of Disney emotional manipulation, guaranteed to make me sob incoherently, regardless of how many times we watch it every year. If you are a live interactive improvisational environmental-theatre entertainer, I feel like this movie speaks directly to your heart with blinding clarity.
This Phooletide, the PhooleOut Shelter has a new bacon-themed stocking (their brand is "Mr. Bacon") for Santa Bacon hanging in it! My brother and sister-out-law gave it to me as a gift last Christmas. It's from Archie McPhee. I'm sad to say Archie McPhee no longer offers this stocking for sale - you'll have to tune in to our Phooletide Special to enjoy it on display in the PhooleOut Shelter!
At Phooletide, I think a lot about Charles Dickens' A CHRISTMAS CAROL, which you should read, and which you can read for free at Project Gutenberg.
I used to go see our local repertory theater company's production of it every year. I would look around at the rest of the audience, mostly white, mostly privileged, mostly wealthy. I would watch them grumble against mean old Ebenezer Scrooge, and cry over poor Tiny Tim.
And I would seethe quietly, knowing that as soon as the curtain call ended, and the house lights came up, the idea of haunting billionaires to make them pay workers a living wage would vaporize, before they even got back into their luxury cars, to drive back to the suburbs, to continue and accelerate their rapacious consumerism and their mindless exploitation of workers and the poor.
Recent events in the United States have made me think about this even more this year.
If you aren't in the US, you may not understand how private insurance companies make life hellish for most people in our country, so it may surprise you that many US people are reacting to recent events here the way we are.
I'm not surprised.
Charles Dickens tried to tell you, way back in 1843. He really tried.
I wish more people could hear him.
But for YOU, Phooligan, I wish you the merriest Phooletide you can have, full of quiet, cosy, warm, good feelings of safety, peace, hope, courage, strength, and love.