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1  noun  ˈbläg, -ȧg   plural -s
2  intransitive verb   -ed/-ing/-s
: to talk pretentiously and usually inaccurately : lie boastfully

The Moon Is Right! Phooletide 2024

Writer: PhoolePhoole

Did you miss Phooletide 2024 live? I saved it for you in a variety of formats and edits.

The PhooleOut Shelter is decorated for Christmas, with green tinsel draped across the back wall and Uncle Fweddy the skeleton wearing a Santa hat. Santa Bacon is in the background. Tiffany is messing with Phoole's red and green cyberlocks. Phoole also wears a little Santa hat and a pendant of a goblin wearing a Santa suit, from a Homestar Runner online cartoon.
Image description: The PhooleOut Shelter is decorated for Christmas, with green tinsel draped across the back wall and Uncle Fweddy the skeleton wearing a Santa hat. Santa Bacon is in the background. During the Phoole and the Gang 2024 Christmas holiday special, Tiffany is messing with Phoole's red and green cyberlocks. Phoole also wears a little Santa hat and a pendant of a goblin wearing a Santa suit, from a Homestar Runner online cartoon. Moment captured by @Winni4U.

I screwed up the beginning to the live performance of 'Santa Bacon' by failing to turn on my microphone! If you want a less-panicked version to enjoy in your Phooletide music library, Bandcamp is a fine place to get that.

You can watch the full show, including the Santa Bacon fail, in the video archive at, or, if you like a different style of video player, join the Phoole Patreon Page at for free and watch it there.

Angelo the Cat looks at Phoole, who is very excited.
Image description: Angelo the Cat looks at Phoole, who is very excited. Moment captured by @Winni4U.

I edited that failure out of the audio-only versions though! Listen back at or via your favorite podcast provider for the highest quality, but it's also on Mixcloud and Soundcloud too.

You should add Atomovision's Xmas Party Anthems to your Phooletide music library! I particularly love the BandAid send-up with all the silly voices.

This show sure talks about "sedges" a lot! Sedges are a plant genus called Carex.

The Bird Peterson Holiday Spectacular is essential for the season. Buy the album on Bandcamp...

...and then watch the video below! The album contains more music than is in the video.

Thank you Sascha Wiebenson for turning me on to Freezepop! Here is their Santasizer EP.

Christmas and the winter holidays in general are soaked in expectations, dread, and horror for a lot of people. Please take care of you as best you can. If text-based companionship helps, join our Discord via our invite at and let's chat to get each other through!


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