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1  noun  ˈbläg, -ȧg   plural -s
2  intransitive verb   -ed/-ing/-s
: to talk pretentiously and usually inaccurately : lie boastfully
Writer's picturePhoole

Request Rewind

A 1980s-era Trapper Keeper folder holds a sheet of blue-lined notebook paper, on which the hand-written text “80s 7-Inch Singles Request Show” appears in pink, blue, orange and black marker.

Our first 80s 7-Inch Singles Request Show, Phoole & the Gang Show Number 492, was a very fun success, and if you'd like to watch or listen to it again - or experience it for the first time even - it's in the archives for you at for you to love anytime! spontaneously generates a speed-through preview video for every show - here is one that gives you just a taste of some of the tunes in last week's show.

Lots of Phooligans requested tunes I didn't have time to play - so over the next several months, be on the lookout for 80s Request Clean-Up shows, in which we'll get to that request overflow! We started the 80s Request Clean-Up series last March - here's a speed-through sampling of tunes from Show 471, in case you'd like to preview it before you enjoy it at

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