🏁 Drift into the PhooleOut Shelter for two fast-and-furious hours of tunes about cars, speeding, and wrecks, with friends around the world, right from the comfort of wherever you happen to be!
🏁 Friday 6 Dec 2024, 6pm Central US time at https://slipmat.io/phoole, https://mixcloud.com/live/phoole, & https://twitch.tv/phoole!
🏁 New Slipmat guide! https://phoole.com/slipmat
🏁 I overthink everything - and the approach of Show # 500 has filled me with dread for the past year! So ominous - so much apparent pressure to do a deep-dive retro-spectacular of the past 500 Phoole & the Gang shows.
🏁 So I'm powerfully relieved that hardcore Phooligan VenusUrsa a/k/a Anna in Kokomo, Indiana connected the number 500 with the Indianapolis 500 instead, in the Slipmat chat a few shows ago!
🏁 YEAAA GOOFY FUN THEME instead of hundreds of hours of analyzing data from previous shows to find the top 500 tunes or something exhausting like that!
🏁 If you want to indulge in nostalgia for what the show has played in the past 499 shows, rewind them at https://phoole.com/rewind!
🏁 Uncle Fweddy (the studio's dry old skeleton) has a new RACING HELMET! 🏎️ 💀
🏁 It will be a fun and relaxed time - I hope you can tune in or rewind the show afterward!
🏁 Hardcore Phooligans know that I don't actually drive a car in real life! I haven't driven a car since the only time I ever drove a car, which was back in 1994, when I was moving out to Pasadena, California, and my friend Alice, with whom I was riding, decided she didn't want to drive from Boulder, Colorado to Los Angeles that day. So - my only experience driving a car was a solid day of driving 90 miles per hour, beginning in morning rush hour on mountain roads, walled in by semi-trailer trucks, then spending the afternoon driving through square, flat states that looked like scrolling, repeating desert backgrounds in Hanna-Barbera cartoons, complete with apparently-recurring tumbleweeds!
🛑 After Show # 500, Phoole & the Gang will be OFF THE AIR on 13 Dec 2024. I have a demo I need to record for a project that must move forward presently.
🎅 🥓 Then Phoole & the Gang will RETURN for our Phooletide Special on 20 December 2024, Show # 501! Prepare for the Santa Bacon sing-along by visiting phoole.com/santabacon
🎩 🍾🥂 And the following Friday will be Show # 502 - CHAPPY PHOOLE YEAR! We're starting the half-way year of The Boring '20s already!