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1  noun  ˈbläg, -ȧg   plural -s
2  intransitive verb   -ed/-ing/-s
: to talk pretentiously and usually inaccurately : lie boastfully

A theme?! In THIS economy?!

Writer: PhoolePhoole

Updated: Feb 14

All I have is a lot of tunes and a little bit of time.

A cavernous nightclub full of Phooligans is lit with green and pink lights. A neon sign on the club wall reads PHOOLE AND THE GANG.

I know I talked up doing a BREAK-UP TAPES show during last week's Young-Punx-a-Palooza on Phoole & the Gang, but this week has sure been a busy month, so that isn't happening.

I must whine about my real life for a moment

It snowed here in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, you see? So this conundrum manifests when it snows in Milwaukee, wherein a certain portion of the populace, people who still use phones as phones, simultaneously experience these oppositional states:

  • They have never encountered snow before, ever, in their entire lives, which you can deduce from their apoplexy at being found near snow.

  • But also, at the exact same time: they have lived in Milwaukee for 100 years, during which their street has never, ever even seen the shadow of a snow plow, despite their street being buried beneath a whole entire glacier every winter.

Due to the nature of my Day-Job, this has made my week be a year long, with lots of 12-hour work days.

US Phooligans, I know you are hearing a lot in the news about how civil servants do nothing, and we are very lazy, and we just sit around making billions of dollars, eating bon-bons, drinking human blood, and accelerating apocalypse.

It's a funny thing about the people who hurl these accusations at civil servants.

Every accusation is a confession.

Including the human-blood-drinking.

Especially the human-blood-drinking, metaphorically and literally.

I've said enough. I'VE SAID TOO MUCH, perhaps.

Back to folly

Here's the real Phoole & the Gang point: I just didn't have time to do anything but grab tunes I've been accumulating for the past few months, sticking them to myself like a decorator crab sticks shiny objects and other creatures to its shell, fling them in a playlist, and then season them with tunes I know Anna in Kokomo, Indiana loves. Friday, 14 February 2025 isn't just Valentine's Day - it's Anna's birthday, which is arguably more popular than the holiday, and justifiably so.

So if you tune in, and I hope you will, that is what you'll get down to!

Friday, 14 Feb 2025 6pm Central US time at Slipmat (SLIPMAT IS BACK! YEAAAAH) at, and!

If you need break-up tapes though

If the wheel of the Phooligan year leaves you hankering for a BREAK-UP TAPES show, or if you need a soundtrack for breaking up with anyone or anything at all, the podcast versions of past BREAK-UP TAPES shows are collected for you below!


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